Friday, October 31, 2008


My Phillies Phinally did it! Philly Phinally has a champion in my conscious lifetime!!!

Today is the parade. I actually can say that word now, parade. In a change from the norm, I'll be blogging all day events as they happen from my iPhone. Enjoy!

7:45 AM:
The alarm clock/telephone goes off. I suddenly feel like I could seriously use an alcohol-free, sleep embellishing day. Snooze x 3...

8:23 AM:
The adjuster from my car insurance calls, but I'm in the shower. He probably wants to setup a time to come look at the damage to my car from the night the Phillies won the Championship. I call him back 3 minutes later, leave a message.

8:46 AM:
The adjuster calls back. We set up a time for Monday.

8:54 AM:
I'm out. Heading to my best friend Julie's house to start drinking. Yeah!!!

9:20 AM:
Pulling into WaWa to get a quick bite and a drink. My friend, and former co-worker Tony calls. Wants to meet up at the Link. Shit!!! I forgot the tickets!! :-(

9:22 AM:
Heading back home...

9:34 AM:
Back home. Tickets retrieved. Back on the way to Julie's.

10:03 AM:
Arrived at Julies. Filled up the flask with Tequila. Heading out.

10:43 AM:
At the beer drive-thru. There are like 6 beer choices in can. We settled on Pabst Blue Ribbon. Are you serious??!! Well it is a 2006 gold medal winner...god I need to get drunk. YEAH PHILLIES!!!

11:11 AM:
Finally found parking near the art museum. Now the long walk begins...

11:17 AM:
Stopped for a Julie bathroom break...

11:20 AM:
Heading towards JFK Blvd again. We might make it for the start of the parade and the end at the stadiums!

11:35 AM:
The over under on us running out of beer is 2:15 PM. I think I'm going to go with the under LOL. We're at 20th and JFK. Crowds are getting crazy!!! Frank just called me. It's nuts!!!

12:48 PM:
We've been underground on the subway for the last hour and there's tons to share:
1. The crowd in center city was nuts. Cops blocked off a roof where fans had climbed up. It was crazy.
2. There was a cop, as we headed to the subway, that said, "look for the guy in the Phillies tee-shirt" on his radio. Are you kidding me? Good luck finding him.
3. Of all the people to run into, julie runs into probably the one person she would most not want to see and I run into someone I know. 2 million people. How does that happen?
4. We jumped the Septa line to get on the train because it was just way too long and confused.
5. That train was unbelievably hot. OMG. Dressing in layers, not good for Septa subways.
6. Everyone wanted a picture with my sign. I became the resident subway photagrapher LOL.
7. Blowing a horn on a train is so fucking annoying. Seriously, quit with the fucking horn already!!!
8. A kid picked a booger and then gave me a high five. Strangely enough, I was ok with it.

I can't believe we're getting a parade!

1:39 PM:
We just spent the last 1/2 hour having people take pictures with my sign. We're finally in the link. The crowd is MASSIVE!! Those sausages smell do good!

1:53 PM: So we just snuck into the club level. This is amazing! We get lost finding our seat and wind up in the club level LOL. We're waiting for a sausage because we are sssoooo hungry. We gave away 4 beers before we went in because we thought they would check our bags. But they didn't even check our COOLER BAG. UGH...We digress. THANK YOU PHILLIES!!!!

2:41 PM:
Tough getting a data signal. We're waiting for the Phillies to get here. Last update, they were at Pattison Ave. We are front row of the club section we snuck into LOL. It's a sea of red. I keep using this word, but it's so true. Amazing.

3:54 PM:
Man it's tough getting a signal. Finally got a good one. I have so many pics to share. We heard Charlie, Moyer and Victorino speak. The crowd at the link was great. Again, the sign was hott. We were stuck about 10 minutes with people taking pics. I love my city!!!

4:24 PM:
So, with people waiting over 2 hours to get in Chickies N Pete's, I got us in right away because Julie had to drop a duece. After we got in, Julie found us a great spot (FRONT ROW TO THE JUMBO SCREEN) and we watched the celebration at the Bank from there. We might head to the Sixers game because ANYTHING Phillies gets you in for $10. I'll keep posting as long as I can. Battery at less than 10%...

4:53 PM:
I can't believe, of all people, Chase said the words, "World Fucking Champions". This is everything that Philly wanted, needed, begged for, and more. Phinally, we got one. How good does this feel?...

6:51 PM:
So, I just left a cab and got into my car. I tried to put what I saw today into words. This city swallowed the joy and pride and celebrated a city, A CITY, winning a championship! This day has been a day that I will never, ever forget. I've gotta work tomorrow at 6 so I'll probably be going straight to bed. But for anyone who couldn't make it, hopefully I have given you enough to feel this day and what we have experienced. I love this city. I love sports in this city. And I love that I was able to experience not only being there live for the World Series winning strike out, but experiencing this today.

Pictures to come...

Friday, October 24, 2008

Rules are hereby laid out

I can't take it anymore! I just can't. I am so, so, so, so, so, so, so (get the point yet), so, SO sick and tired of crappy drivers. I was spoiled for the one week I was in Europe with considerate, skilled and fast drivers. Also, they have ordinances that keep all trucks and buses to the far right of the road and throttle their speed to 55 mph. If a trucker or bus driver is caught manipulating his vehicle to go over 55 or if he is caught going faster, that person loses their license to drive FOR LIFE. Now that's some incentive to drive carefully.

The most important part of my spoiling in Europe were the driving styles. Fast to the left, everyone else outta the way; that simple. If someone was coming up on your tail you get out of the way. Forcing someone to tap their brakes or flash their lights is offensive and rude driving; and it simply doesn't happen that often.

This morning on my way to work, at 5:30, some jerk decides he wants to control the flow of traffic by not moving out of the left lane, speeding up to prevent others from passing him and driving less than the speed limit. I can honestly say that I had to restrain myself from committing vehicular homicide. But my innate sense of human, and my own, preservation prevailed. But it has reminded me of a post I've wanted to do for a long, long time; a proposal for Driving Policies and Etiquette in the US. Here goes:

U.S (or PA at least) DRIVING POLICIES:

Drivers will be required to re-take a driving test, at a $35 fee, for the following reasons:

  1. Driver is involved in a moving accident 2 or more times within a 5 year period.

  2. Drivers' License is reinstated from a rightful suspension.

  3. Every 7 years a driver is less than 55 years of age from the year the original license was issued.

  4. Every 3 years a driver is 55 years or older, up to 69 years of age (at a senior discount rate)

  5. Every year a driver is 70 years or older, for the rest of the drivers life (at a highly discounted or free rate).

  6. Driver is involved in any moving accident where damage to property exceeds 10K.

  7. Drivers license expires for any reason.


The following shall be the proper driving etiquette for all drivers:

  1. All trucks, buses, RVs, cars with trailers and other large vehicles shall drive in the farthest right lane only. The exception is to pass another vehicle in that farthest right lane.

  2. All vehicles whose speed is at or lower than the speed limit shall drive in the lane(s) to the right of the leftmost lane. Exceptions are single lane roads and two lane roads where a vehicle is passing.

  3. Any vehicle who finds that another car rapidly closing the distance behind the vehicle shall make every effort to move over to the next lane to the right of its current position such that the move is safe and does not cause said vehicle to decrease its own speed. Exceptions include single lane roads and situations where the vehicle cannot move over due to other vehicles, so long as the vehicle is at or above the posted speed limit.

  4. At no time shall a driver intentionally not move their car, per items 1 thru 3, when adequate and safe conditions exist.

  5. At no time shall a driver "tailgate" another vehicle who, with good judgement, cannot move their vehicle in accordance with items 1 thru 3; except in the case where the vehicle is in violation of item 4.

  6. All vehicles in the left most lane shall maintain a minimum speed matching the posted speed limit.

  7. At no time shall a vehicle rapidly change lanes such that the actions endanger other vehicles.

  8. Passing a car implies that the car was not moving at a high enough speed. It is therefore forbidden that a vehicle pass a car and simply maintain, or reduce, the vehicles speed as it relates to the car the vehicle just passed.

  9. Any vehicle in an approaching high-speed merge (HSM) lane must make every effort to move their vehicle one lane away from the HSM lane prior to reaching it, such that it is safe to do so and does not violate items 2, 4, 6 or 7.

  10. At no time shall a vehicle travel on marked shoulders or between cars, or in marked exit only lanes to circumvent traffic delays, except as directed by traffic officials.

I think these listed policies and etiquette items are valid and easy to implement, and would introduce more cash into DOT systems through the driving tests. Driving should be an enjoyment, not an annoyance. Road Rage comes about from people violating driving etiquette; it's that simple. If you don't know how to drive, are scared of driving or simply are an ass, do us all a favor and play back-seat driver and carpool. Driving would be so much better for us all...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Wet Your Whistle Wednesday - Vol.1 Issue 1

So today I'm beginning a new edition on Dave's Thoughts called Wet Your Whistle Wednesday which will provide you various alcohol flavor recommendations for you to savor. From my favorites, to drinks I sample while taking in the single, (er hem) 30 year old entertainment and nite life, while traveling, or that I enjoy from the comforts of my couch. When possible, I'll post (with permission) a picture of the bartender who made the drink, the club/restaurant/bar where the drink was served and or the drink itself. I'll provide a rating based on the following:
  1. Alcohol Taste Density (ATD): How much can you taste the alcohol in the drink. 5 stars for high alcohol taste. 1 star for a fruity drink.
  2. Drink Impact (DI): How many of the drink does it take for me to get a good buzz? 5 stars for 1 drink or if the DI is what I call a "Whoa" drink; you know, you drink a few because they taste like watermelon water ice and 20 minutes later, you have a hard time standing. 1 star if they are so lite, or watered down, that after a good number of drinks you want something different. This can also happen if there is too much ice in the drink; I'll get to that rating item later.....

  3. Drink Quality (DQ): How tasteful is the drink? Does it taste like a cherry dipped in gasoline because the bartender mixed it wrong? This is how well I am likely to order another one of these drinks or recommend this drink to someone I know would order this "kind" of drink. 5 stars for a great tasting drink. 1 star for a crappy drink. 1 star should be hard to get with a bartender in a quality place.

  4. Intangibles (I): Do you hate lime, yet your drink keeps coming with lime in it? Is the bartender smoking hot? Is the bar a dive bar you wouldn't risk getting so drunk that you might find yourself barefoot in? Are you at a strip club? This is an experience rating. Crappy service, dirt stains get you 1 star. Hot bartenders, great service gets 5 stars.

Ratings 1 & 2 will always be presented.
But 3 & 4 may not be applicable all the time.

The inaugural edition of Wet Your Whistle Wednesday starts with my favorite drink, Rum and Coke. This isn't just any rum and coke; it's a Captain Morgan Private Stock Rum and coke. This goes great to start the night off at a club or if you are sitting at home on the deck on a cool fall night with a fire going. My favorite way to make a rum and coke is as follows:

  • 1/3 glass of ice

  • 80% Captain Morgan Private Stock Rum

  • 20% Coke

  • Lightly shaken with a lime

Made properly, a rum and coke will warm your belly and stoke your mind; making relaxing second nature. If you're in the club, you'll find "captain courage" will soon have you kicking game to the hottest women in the place or out on the dance floor performing moves you didn't know you could even do. If you're home, you'll be listening to the firepit send crackle after crackle from its core as you blow cigar smoke into the air. The captain will take care of you, but don't abuse him. He'll rock your boat faster than you can say "Iceberg dead ahead!!"

Captain Morgan Private Stock Rum & Coke Rating:

Alcohol Taste Density:
Oh, you'll taste a well made rum and coke. If it tastes like you're drinking a coke at a family barbeque, send it back and get it made right. It should also have a whisper of lime tailing each sip.

Drink Impact:
A few of these and you'll be buzzing pretty good. If you want a real kick, get a "double rum & coke". Well made, it should boost it to a 90-10 drink and both ATD and DI will be a pulsating 5 stars. But hold on to something. A few too many and someone will be yelling "man overboard!". And I promise the next splash you hear will be the sound of chunks landing - hopefully in a safe place :-)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

2nd Most Wonderful Time...

I love the fall. It's the most peaceful and amazing time of the year to me. The reds and yellows, wind-blown leaves and amazing views get me in such a driving mood that I find myself randomly going for hour long drives. There is nothing better than finding a never ending back road, taking 35 mph curves at 60 and watching the leaves fly into the air in your wake. There's nothing like getting a 1/2 mile straightaway on that road and watching the colors fly at you while Grover Washington Jr's "East River Drive" whispers in the background. I don't know why I love doing that so much; I just do. It's a great late Sunday morning thing to do. I think everyone should try it. Wake up, shower (or not), throw some comfy clothes on, get in the car with your favorite "pass the time drink" (mine is Sprite), and just drive until you feel like coming back home. I tend to drive places and roads I've never been at before. Now I'm a jazz person, but I also find that good Rock makes the drive awesome too. So whatever your favorite driving music is, pop in a CD and have a few more on deck (I try to stay away from the radio - satellite - because of the inopportune talking and/or commercials. I like to be in my groove).

A few things that I do intentionally; 1. No matter what happens on the road, EVERYONE gets a "road rage pass". It's a relaxing, enjoyable drive. As long as there are no accidents (because that would surely screw things up, LOL), who cares? 2. The intention of the drive has to be to see and experience the beauty of fall somewhere you haven't been before. I say intention because sometimes that's just not possible. 3. This is probably most important. At no time are you to answer the phone, do or think about work or introduce any stress into the ride. If you are having surgery the next day, release that for the drive and enjoy it. Having relationship problems? Forget them. Have tons of work to do? Not doing it while you're on your ride, so enjoy it.

It's important to me to find peace and enjoy life, regardless of the road that I may find tough to be on sometimes. Some choose meditation, reading, or starbucks cafes to unwind. I choose long, colorful, drives.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


It's strange. I did something last night that hundreds of millions of Americans do every single day and yet it seemed out of place; it seemed, simply put, strange. Probably because its been so, so long since I've done it. Or maybe because of the fact of how different things look now. Or maybe it's just a sign that life as I know it, unlike the stock market, has reached steady ground; a steady plateau if you will. The act, or acts, by now have to be something of a mystery, and borderline frustrating, to you because I haven't told you what I've done. So, I'll clue you in.

I went food shopping...

Yes, food shopping. And cooked dinner, and breakfast and made lunch. Now while some may simply stop reading (and I can feel the eyes rolling), its important to understand the significance of this. My fridge now only has about 35% alcohol and fast food on the shelves, as opposed to the 90% it did a day ago (only because I have leftover alcohol from a party and an Eagles game day event). I haven't cooked in a long, long time; not the way I passionately love to. I love to cook. Its the reason I someday want to open a restaurant. Because I LOVE TO COOK. But I have gotten away from cooking because of ease and convenience; I simply didn't have the time and when I did, I just didn't feel like it. But now, I have that renewed passion to cook again. To make my homemade soups and dishes with sauce creations like I used to what seems like years ago. Did I mention that I love to cook??? :-)

I have some "chef-like" things that I plan to purchase in the near future so that I can start having guests over to try some things on them (don't worry, I wont poison anyone). I want to use this as a launching pad for the restaurant I want to open in the future. My success depends solely on the foods I intend to create and the enjoyable flavor that they provide. So for my friends, new, old and ancient, get ready for some good eating soon...

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Picture of.....

So, I was all set to do a post today about flatulence because of the massive amount of the substance I possess at this moment. But as I was preparing to login to the site to post I scanned my Gmail inbox and noticed an e-mail I sent to myself almost two weeks ago. The subject of the e-mail was "Wow" and the body simply had one line; a link. Upon clicking on it, I realized why. Two words, Milly Figuereo; an amazingly beautiful Tampa Bay Buccs cheerleader (don't worry, I'll provide the link later). I'm not someone who is typically blown away by a girl simply because she is a cheerleader. Trust me being a cheerleader alone doesn't blow me away. But this girl is smoking hott!!! Now she is 27 which is a tad outside my dating age range (well now anyway) of 28-32, but for her I'm sure I'd make an exception :-)

My tastes in women vary. What many find average, I find gorgeous. What many find stunning, I find average. To me it's the entire package. It's the looks, the personality, the intelligence, the maturity, the style; it's the complete person. I'm not shallow in that I would date someone simply because she is amazingly beautiful. I'm just not built that way. While I'll probably be single for a long time because I'm focused on my future and my future alone, if I am fortunate enough to meet someone who is on the same, or higher, professional and personal level as I am, it wouldn't be such a bad thing for her to look like Milly - by the way Milly is such a hott name LOL

Check her out here
I so need to visit the Dominican Republic :-P