Although I skipped this in 2011, I wanted to renew this annual posting this year and blogging again in general. 2012 was a very transitional year for me; and a year with lessons and losses. Here's hoping for a 2013 full of positiveness and progress. Without further ado, The Best and Worst of 2012...
Worst of 2012
#3: Do Unto Others...
I try to assume that the good in people drives the actions made by people. I also still believe in the goodness in humanity despite the many, many times I have been disappointed by reality. That believe, rather that trust, is stronger for the people in my life that I care about. So it was with great shock and surprise when two people I talked about and proudly presented as my "best friends" treated someone I cared about, and me, in a manner that was equally as biased as it was insensitive. Frankly the actions (and in-actions) were cowardly and disrespectful, to be blunt. I didn't expect much from the person who was essentially the stranger in the incident, but I expected a lot more integrity and adult-like behavior from those who weren't strangers. Those who know about the situation have chalked it up to everything from jealousy to immaturity. I simply say that life goes on.
#2: In The Blink of An Eye
It is a sound and an image that I will never forget. It is a night that I will vividly remember for a long, long time. After a fund raiser with brothers from my fraternity, some of us were standing outside doing what we do; chatting it up and sharing a laugh. Three teens walked past us, full of life, and proceeded to cross a 6 lane grass-divided road. I watched as they ran from the sidewalk to the grass median. I then, for a split second, glanced away. In that moment I heard a sound that I will never forget. I turned back in time to see the body of one of the teens come to rest on the road. My instinct was to run across that same road to her side, along with one of my other frat brothers. I knew immediately that this young innocent soul was in a grave condition. Whether at the scene, in route to or at the hospital, the young teen unfortunately passed away that night. I had a hard time sleeping for a few days after that as I'm sure her friends and family did and may still do. May she Rest In Peace.
#1: #44 Forever
If I thought about it, I could list out the number of people I've met in my life who are genuinely good people; always looking out for others, always laughing and enjoying life, and are generally a great friend. That describes Walt Tidman. I've known Walt for about 10 years, since we began playing on the same flag football team. Despite us not playing on the same team, we kept in contact; especially when I lived closer to Northeast Philly and the suburbs. Since I moved south of the city we hadn't hung out much, but we still talked outside of football. He had a memorable laugh that was unmistakable. During the September month, when I had three weddings to attend in 5 weeks, I was unable to play in any games for our team. The weekend of the 2nd wedding, I was in North Carolina just finishing up a bite to eat before getting ready for the wedding, when my phone rings. It was Walt. I answered the phone jokingly saying, "You know I can't play this weekend. I'm in North Carolina.". He replied as he always did when I told him I couldn't play because of my traveling, "You're an asshole.", and then he'd let out one of his laughs. But then he said, "I know man. I was just seeing how you were doing.". We talked for about 10 minutes or so and then I would see him at our next game. I couldn't have imagined that would be the last time I would see him alive. A little while later, just 4 days after the unfortunate incident noted in the #2 Worst Moment of 2012 above, he would pass away after collapsing on the field where he did what he loved to do; play football on Sundays. It wasn't a text I expected to get from him that Monday morning, which turned out to be from his wife. I expected to hear how the team did the day before, but instead I read words that instantly shot tears down my face. He always greeted me with the biggest hug and laugh. I learned from a few who knew him better than I did that he always talked about me with such high regard and thought so highly of me. Even today is sends chills through me and brings tears to my eyes just thinking about that. It's something I never knew, nor did I need to know for us to be friends. He was a special man and a good friend. Carrying his casket was one of the most heart wrenching things I've ever had to do, because it felt like I was doing something so premature; so unreal. I'll never forget his youngest daughter saying, "Goodnight Daddy..." at the grave site In that moment, my ability to compose myself was completely defeated. I'll miss my friend; his laugh, him rumbling on a football field and his unique way of jokingly calling me an asshole.
Best of 2012
#3: The Body is Truly a Machine
This could have easily been the honorable mention for Worst Moment of 2012, but it is also the #3 Best Moment of 2012. Anyone who knows me, knows that I love football; I love watching it, I love attending games and mostly, I love playing games. So when I had my first opportunity to play in a shore football tournament around the 4th of July, I decided to do it. I expected to be a little tired afterward, but I didn't anticipate getting just 2 hours sleep the night before, driving over 2 hours and then playing 5 games. When I say I was exhausted, I mean I was exhausted. I got home, showered and promptly crashed. While this doesn't sound like a great day, it actually was for me. I was able to play pretty well and survive. Although we lost in the Championship game, it was fun and my girl got to finally see me play.
#2: Oh Cancun
A much needed break from things was needed when Cancun came around. My girlfriend and I spent a few days in Cancun getting some sun, sharing some laughs, touring the ruins, getting some crappy service.....and growing closer all at the same time. We came back from that vacation with renewed energy for our relationship and a more positive outlook on it. Despite a not always good time in Cancun, we had a good time together and I'm looking forward to the trips we take in the future.
#1 You Go Girls!
While this post is supposed to be about me, and it pretty much is, it's also about my most and least favorite experiences throughout the year. Both my sister and my girlfriend have successful organizations/companies (www.womenstillstanding.org and www.teresesydonna.com, respectively). My sister held two Cigar & Stilettos events this year and my girlfriend had 3 fashion shows that I attended, which were all successful. I am extremely happy for both of them and proud of their successes! Experiencing their unique success was the best moment(s) of my 2012. I look forward to more success for them in the future.
Honorable Mention:
All the Boys: Having dinner with my brothers and my cousin Jamir and then also walking around a mall with my testosterone laced brothers, nephew and cousin was hilarious! We have to do that again!
Navy-Army: It's always a blast when my brothers from other mothers Eric, Darren and I get together. This years Navy-Army game was no exception. We had a blast and Navy won! We then went back to my place, had cigars, drank a little and watched the Heisman broadcast. A great time with great friends.
I look forward to more fun and happy times in 2013, my 35th year :-)