Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I just had to say it...

Are you kidding me? I mean are you seriously kidding me?!?!? The Bush cat dies and it is a top 5 bullet item on news websites??? In an IM with my best friend Gerri, I had a little mini-rant:
"That CAN'T be one of the top 5 news bulletins with Israel and the economy and the auto makers and jobs and Obama and the NFL and the car accident on 95 this morning and the new school in Arizona and the random fact that birds flap their wings 200 times a minute or the fact that I ran out of toothpaste this
morning...get my point yet? LOL"
I really, really don't like watching or reading the news. The media is right down there with plucking my pubic hair and listening to a cat in heat as the worst possible things that I can be stuck doing 24 hours straight.