Thursday, December 23, 2010

Best and Worst of 2010

Much like last year, as the year wound down, I began to think about the things - good and bad - that happened this year. This year was hectic for me with tons of travelling, many early am drives into the sunrise and thousands of laughs shared (and volumes of alcohol consumed). I can honestly say that, by far, I travelled more this year than any one year in my life. But I'm happy to say I've met so many wonderful and equally entertaining people hopping all over this country and I have memories that I wont soon forget.

Last years edition of this now annual post, I gave my outlook for this year. It was more centered on the companionship that sometimes was lacking in my life. I remarked, "Not that there is an active search for love, there is always a willingness for opportunity." I think the year I had provided me with a willingness, but not necessarily a commitment to opportunities; with perhaps one situation which went terribly wrong - we'll discuss later.

So here I am looking forward to 2011. What's my outlook? Mostly I see more time spent at home. I spent a lot of time away from home and therefore didn't do the things I love to do with any regularity and consistency; such as cooking, housework and spending time with some of my closest friends and my family. I also see me looking towards my future; whether it be relationships I have now that either need to be removed or solidified, investments I have or need to make, or better decision making I need to have. My motto for 2011 is going to be: "Work Hard. Play Harder. Live Smarter". As "The Year of Jabaar" (my 33rd birthday) approaches, I feel that I need to get more mature in certain parts of my life - Develop the sky hook. Don't always take the easy and comfortable path and simply dunk the ball. One thing for certain, 2011 is going to be another fun year and I'm looking forward to all it has to offer!

Without any further delay, my best and worst moments of 2010!

Top 4 Worst Moments of 2010

4. All Good Things...
The final episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation was named "All Good Things"; symbolic of the the end of another Star Trek series. For almost a decade, through my adolescence, millions of fans tuned in to watch Captain Picard, Ryker, Worf, Data and others travel the galaxy seeking out "new life and new civilizations", each week. "The Trusty Grill" reminds me of that series. Every tailgate for almost a decade the "Grill-to-Go" grill packed up in the trunk of my car and make tailgating memories that many will never forget. From ice cold cooking in Pittsburgh, to sizzling in the rain at Penn State, to a parking lot in St. Louis and finally the last grill 15 minutes away at the Linc in Philly, the grill has never failed to lite, and remains one of the most durable and rewarding purchases of my life. Next year I'm upgrading to a new grill; it's time. But the next grill has a long, long time and a lot to prove before it will ever be considered truly an upgrade.

3. The hardest hit is the one you don't see coming
I have, unfortunately, had the unpleasant pleasure of living through many disappointments in my life. If you've known me long enough and have gotten to know the core of who I am, and more importantly, why I am who I am today, you've heard the story of one or many of those disappointments. This year I would experience another disappointment in the form of losing someone I once considered my best friend, confidant, and even my future. Whether due to my lack of proper communication or their misinterpretation (one would say that the only words misunderstood are the ones not properly communicated) a conversation where I intended to open myself up to the possibilities of a future turned into a misunderstanding. Following that unfortunate conversation true feelings would be revealed causing my switch to be flipped - if you know about my switch, you understand it triggers a very sharp cut away from my life. A disappointing end to something that at one point was a great thing.

2. All Alone
During the time I lived with my Dad, I lived in a house full of men with varying personalities. When I say that I've absorbed some of the traits from that house would be an understatement. From learning how to talk to women, to how to drink liquor, to living a humble, respectful life, the lessons I learned in that house are deeply within me. Over the years the men in that house have passed on, one by one. They were all my great uncles; my fathers uncles from a litter of 13 brothers and sisters. This year, a different house because my dad had moved, left just my dad and my great uncle Johnny. I could see that Johnny was there more every time I visited my dad. He was a walker and loved his "handle" of liquor, so he would walk from south Philly to center city almost daily to go to his favorite liquor store - as store where he made friends over the years. But over the course of about a month leg pains led to blood clots which led to hospitalization. At first there was treatment and the hope that he was going to be fine. Then I spoke to my dad and I could hear Johnny in the background sounding normal-ish (he was sober which sounded slightly off from his normal self lol). That very next day he would pass. It would be then that my dad would tell me the reason he was up and talking is because the doctors had decided there was nothing more they could do and they gave him weeks to live. He lasted one day. When I visit my dad, he is definitely missed.

1. 4 days and 4 nights
It's a bit of a running joke now; "I heard you lost 15 pounds?". It's true. This year I lost 15 4 days. I've gotten strep throat before; many times in fact. But never strep and another virus at the same time. For 4 horrible, and secretly scary days (I'm not one to ask for help or go to the hospital for that matter unless forced) my body fought off arguable the worst sickness I've ever had in my life. I sweat profusely in my sleep and could only eat yogurt and apple sauce and could barely get any liquids down my throat. When it was all said and done I had shed 15 pounds and was back down to my college football playing weight days. If there is a positive, I lost virtually all fat from my abdomen - great for a 6-pack. However, I would not recommend this as a diet for anyone.

Top 5 Best Moments of 2010 (and 2 honorable mentions)

Honorable Mention #2: Boston Trip
Two of my best friends, Don & Julie, and I went up to Boston to attend a Sports Analytics conference. From the never ending alarm clock, to strip blackjack (not with my best friends lol) there were many laughs and memories from that weekend.

Honorable Mention #1: We call it, "The Speedo"
If you know anything about me, you know that you won't find my picture anywhere near the word "embarrass" in the dictionary. Agreeing each year to do something(s) for my best friend Julie's birthday, I agreed to wear a speedo. Little did they (or I) know that I would enjoy it so much. Yes, it felt unexpectedly good. Yes I got to walk around Aruba with basically underwear on. But the best thing about wearing them was the reaction of the people as I walked around the resort or floated around the lazy river. It may just become a sunny beach weather normal for me ;-)

5. Window Seat
I've been to a few concerts in my life, and want to get to more. I heard that Erykah Badu was going to be at the Tower earlier this year and marked the date tickets were going on sale. I stalked a computer and bought tickets as soon as they went on sale, scoring 2nd row tickets. My best friend Darren and I went to the concert (He loves her so much he would probably kill someone if she asked him too lol). The concert and opening acts were amazing! Towards the end of the concert Badu came down off of the stage and walked around and danced mere feet from us in our section. I definitely will be going to her concerts in the future.

4. If I Have My Way
My sister and I have been very close since we were conscious of each other. I love my sister more than anything. She's my motivation to do good in this life. But despite the fact that we live 10 minutes from each other, we can go stretches where we don't see each other; and we hardly hang out, socially, together. So when I had an extra ticket for the Chrisette Michele concert, she was the first person I thought of. Despite spending so much time talking and laughing at dinner and missing the opening of the concert, we had one of those great brother-sister moments that I cherish. I look forward to more in 2011.

3a & 3b. THIS is the Most Wonderful Time of the Year
I love football - love it and miss playing it. I also love watching it live. With all of the trips I had this year for football games, two stood out as at the top of the list not only for the games, but also the fun and memories I have.
3a - #1 Ohio State @ Wisconsin and Miami Dolphins @ Green Bay Packers: This Saturday, Sunday combo of games featured a game where #1 OSU lost to Wisconsin after one of the best pre-game experiences of my life and a visit to Lambeau field in Green Bay. Even though the Packers lost, this was a great weekend of fun!
3b - Georgia - Florida Game -aka- "The Worlds Largest Outdoor Cocktail Party": I could end this by stating that I, with very little help, went through half a bottle of 1800 Tequila (about 325ml) in about 3 hours lol. It is truly one of the most amazing college football sites to see. It truly is a ginormous cocktail party with some of the funniest and craziest people I have ever had the pleasure of being around. A ridiculously good time.

2. And Another One Bites the Dust
"The Crew" as I call us consist of 4 of my closest and best friends; TCarew, A1, Nitty and Discooooo Dave...just go with it lol. When the crew started we were all unmarried and some single. Over the years Nitty, then A1 and finally this year, TCarew tied the knot; leaving me as the sole unmarried crewman in the bunch. So with a wedding comes the Bachelor Party and the Wedding. If I have to compare how much fun I had I would rate the Bachelor Party a 9.9 and the Wedding a 10....out of 5. It's always good to see what love produces and my boy TCarew definitely deserves the beautiful and loving wife he has. Those two events were off the hook fun!

1. Say it Ain't a No-No!
My brotha from another motha Eric and I have seen some things over the year, both sports and non-sports related. We saw the Phillies win the World Series together. We saw Larry Fitzgerald play and much more. But in the playoffs this year we got to see something that only some thousands can say they saw live-in person. We saw Doc Halladay throw a playoff no-hitter! It's a moment much like watching the final strike in the World Series a few years ago, but different. The Phillies may very well win the World Series next year, but a no-no in the playoffs may never happen again; or at least wont happen for a very long time. In the list of many, many memories Eric and I have together, this one is pretty high up there.

Here's to a great 33 for me, a relaxing conclusion to 2010 and an amazing 2011, not just for me but for all my friends and family (near and far).....