Friday, October 24, 2008

Rules are hereby laid out

I can't take it anymore! I just can't. I am so, so, so, so, so, so, so (get the point yet), so, SO sick and tired of crappy drivers. I was spoiled for the one week I was in Europe with considerate, skilled and fast drivers. Also, they have ordinances that keep all trucks and buses to the far right of the road and throttle their speed to 55 mph. If a trucker or bus driver is caught manipulating his vehicle to go over 55 or if he is caught going faster, that person loses their license to drive FOR LIFE. Now that's some incentive to drive carefully.

The most important part of my spoiling in Europe were the driving styles. Fast to the left, everyone else outta the way; that simple. If someone was coming up on your tail you get out of the way. Forcing someone to tap their brakes or flash their lights is offensive and rude driving; and it simply doesn't happen that often.

This morning on my way to work, at 5:30, some jerk decides he wants to control the flow of traffic by not moving out of the left lane, speeding up to prevent others from passing him and driving less than the speed limit. I can honestly say that I had to restrain myself from committing vehicular homicide. But my innate sense of human, and my own, preservation prevailed. But it has reminded me of a post I've wanted to do for a long, long time; a proposal for Driving Policies and Etiquette in the US. Here goes:

U.S (or PA at least) DRIVING POLICIES:

Drivers will be required to re-take a driving test, at a $35 fee, for the following reasons:

  1. Driver is involved in a moving accident 2 or more times within a 5 year period.

  2. Drivers' License is reinstated from a rightful suspension.

  3. Every 7 years a driver is less than 55 years of age from the year the original license was issued.

  4. Every 3 years a driver is 55 years or older, up to 69 years of age (at a senior discount rate)

  5. Every year a driver is 70 years or older, for the rest of the drivers life (at a highly discounted or free rate).

  6. Driver is involved in any moving accident where damage to property exceeds 10K.

  7. Drivers license expires for any reason.


The following shall be the proper driving etiquette for all drivers:

  1. All trucks, buses, RVs, cars with trailers and other large vehicles shall drive in the farthest right lane only. The exception is to pass another vehicle in that farthest right lane.

  2. All vehicles whose speed is at or lower than the speed limit shall drive in the lane(s) to the right of the leftmost lane. Exceptions are single lane roads and two lane roads where a vehicle is passing.

  3. Any vehicle who finds that another car rapidly closing the distance behind the vehicle shall make every effort to move over to the next lane to the right of its current position such that the move is safe and does not cause said vehicle to decrease its own speed. Exceptions include single lane roads and situations where the vehicle cannot move over due to other vehicles, so long as the vehicle is at or above the posted speed limit.

  4. At no time shall a driver intentionally not move their car, per items 1 thru 3, when adequate and safe conditions exist.

  5. At no time shall a driver "tailgate" another vehicle who, with good judgement, cannot move their vehicle in accordance with items 1 thru 3; except in the case where the vehicle is in violation of item 4.

  6. All vehicles in the left most lane shall maintain a minimum speed matching the posted speed limit.

  7. At no time shall a vehicle rapidly change lanes such that the actions endanger other vehicles.

  8. Passing a car implies that the car was not moving at a high enough speed. It is therefore forbidden that a vehicle pass a car and simply maintain, or reduce, the vehicles speed as it relates to the car the vehicle just passed.

  9. Any vehicle in an approaching high-speed merge (HSM) lane must make every effort to move their vehicle one lane away from the HSM lane prior to reaching it, such that it is safe to do so and does not violate items 2, 4, 6 or 7.

  10. At no time shall a vehicle travel on marked shoulders or between cars, or in marked exit only lanes to circumvent traffic delays, except as directed by traffic officials.

I think these listed policies and etiquette items are valid and easy to implement, and would introduce more cash into DOT systems through the driving tests. Driving should be an enjoyment, not an annoyance. Road Rage comes about from people violating driving etiquette; it's that simple. If you don't know how to drive, are scared of driving or simply are an ass, do us all a favor and play back-seat driver and carpool. Driving would be so much better for us all...


SunnyGLight said...

LOL.... I love the legal lingo then you throw in an "ass" in there... If only more 'official' documents randomly threw in cuss words... then they would all make more sense...

oh...and i 100% agree w

Vitamin "D" said...

What about behavioral tests, eye tests, reflex tests? Unstable, blind, fragile people SHOULD NOT be driving! I don't care about privacy acts (if you are on Zoloft, Valium or whatever else keeps you sane/calm and you act like a !?&*#@! without them, society DOES have the right to know). I don't care. Also, what flashing signage? I think it more effective than honking. A sign held out the window saying "You're an idiot, get off the road or you're gonna kill someone or get killed!" can have a positive effect. What about the non use of turning signals (or the over-use of not turning them off after you've turned, or using them when it is OBVIOUS that you are turning left while in a "left only" turn lane)? Vechicles should have installed "turn signal violation monitor" that gets transmitted to PennDot and the offender gets a ticket mailed.