Thursday, February 4, 2010

Tough Love Vol. I - Issue I

This is the introductory issue of Tough Love. Periodically I'll voice my opinion on an issue as if I had a sit down with a person or a group and cleared the air about a hot and/or troubling topic. I invite comments and only ask for respectful conversation at all times. Your perception is that of a fly on the wall in the room. Agree, disagree, or simply fly away...

Today, we sit down with President Obama...

Mr. President, I'm not going to tell you how to do your job because I'm not ignorant enough to think that somehow, despite less information, I know more than you know. Howeva (channelling my inner Stephen A. Smith), I'd implore you to consider the following through the remaining 3 or 7 years you have as President of these United States:

I'm a genuinely nice guy. People tell me that I am nice and I believe that I, sometimes unfortunately, try to always consider the needs of others with and even at times ahead of my own. I get it. It's good to be the nice person, the one who has and extends the olive branch. It warms the heart and restores the beliefs of many who simply feel that humanity has lost the human side. So I say what I am about to say with hesitation and concern for the action it represents.

Screw them!
Screw the Republicans!
Screw the Democrats!
Screw the Independents!
Screw them all!!!!...

Putting myself in your shoes, I would do what I believe is right for this country. Former President Bush did it, former President Clinton did it and many before him. They all faced scrutiny, resistance - and much like today - blatant sabotage. If it were me, I'd rather be hated for standing up for my beliefs and my good heart than be loved for compromise and giving into what I believe is wrong. There are many in this country (as proved and recorded in history as votes) who believe in what you ran on - changing that district and putting faith back into the American people that their elected representatives are actually doing, without prejudice or malice, what's best for them; that their government is doing what's best for them and that their President is, most of all, doing what's best for them. There comes a time when so-called bi-partisanship needs to be called what it is and agendas made public. Enough with trying to work with people based on false assurances of support and genuine cooperation. As the old saying goes, "if you want something done right, you've got to do it yourself".

Mr. President, I'd rather not one single piece of legislation gets passed during your administration if that means that every single corrupt, pocket lining snake in DC is outed for everyone to see. That, Mr. President, will change Washington. Make everyone accountable starting with you, down to the ultimate scum - the lobbyists. Expose the backhanded bargaining, the zeros in the bank accounts, the fancy dinners and other voting-inspiring-perks. I'd rather clean up Washington over the next three (or seven) years and get nothing done if it means our future, our children, will have a government that is truly "of the people by the people and for the people".

Now I know, I'm asking for not just change; but ginormous change. I'm asking you personally to make a magnitude of enemies, here and abroad. I'm asking you to do what I don't have the power to do. I would have not a moment of hesitation doing this myself, but ironically this exceeds my pay grade. I had a choice on who I thought could do this, and I chose you over "the other guy" because I shared many of your beliefs. But I have to say Mr. President, I'm disappointed in you.

I'm disappointed in the fact that it appears that you want to let the process of change happen naturally instead of making change happen. You want to walk plank by newly laid plank across that bridge instead of leading America over the bridge that you built. You want help for a one man job. Let me stress that; this is a one man job. And it saddens and concerns me because I wonder if you have what it takes to make the sacrifice that's needed to pull this country out of the black hole that is that small district to the south of me.....the ultimate sacrifice I'm referring to, is you. And what I am referring to is the other you; the antithesis of your public image needs to become who you are. Compromise and blind-eyes wont work. No longer can you act on your beliefs that if you show those in D.C. that you are truly trying to do what's best, they - on both sides of the aisle - will experience an epiphany and suddenly realize what's bringing this country down; their own actions. With all due respect, that's not going to happen! What it will take is a non negotiable bull-like leader who exposes those who are deceitful, who line their pockets, who simply say "No" because they are merely cattle following the herd, who don't have the interests of the people as their #1, #2 and #3 priority in Washington. That sacrifice, Mr. President, will make enemies out of friends and bring forth even more hatred from those who already hate you. But in order to really bring about change, change you must.....

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