Wednesday, September 3, 2008

With great power comes great disappointment

There are going to be days like this one in your life. For me, this is the third time in my life I've woken up to a day like today. The first two times were magnitudes easier to deal with compared to this morning. You see love is a powerful, powerful thing. It will make you try things you never thought you'd try. It will make you change who you are for who you are with. It will make you pour out your soul and then have you mop it up yourself. Love, when mutual and pure is simply the most beautiful thing on this planet. However, Love can blindside you and set your heart into a spiral of depression, worthlessness and despair. Love can be the most disappointing facilitator of them all.

Today, remember this above all things. If Love were enough, today would not be happening. Somewhere on the road to eternal happiness, Love and bliss, Love became just another thing that was needed to make things work instead of the thing that drove everything else to work. Unfortunately, it also became the only thing needed that was truly identified...


deuwings1 said...

Profound words indeed!

It seems that the bigger your heart is, the more it stretches and expands, making it subject to stress, pain, tearing and in need of occasional repair.

So, the solution? Keep the heart small, compact, with limited occupancy, resistant to stretching and pain? Keep growing and getting stronger?

I wonder if a new goal could be to love completely but cautiously - like a fantastic rollercoaster ride where you are both thrilled yet also scared to death - anticipating and hoping for a jolting, exilliarating, terrifying and satisfying experience.

Is that why some people both cry and laugh hysterically while on such a ride, and yet beg to get on again and again?

Is it sadistic to love intensely, since love most oftentimes leads to pain?

Profound indeed!

SunnyGLight said...


I've been told to fall with one foot firmly on the ground. Or in other words...don't lose yourself in a relationship.

Love isn't what causes us the pain and disappointment we experience when a relationship doesn't work out. It's the realization that the other person's true identity doesn't correspond with our perceived or desired image of that person that causes our disdain.

As humans, we categorize, and define everything based on our perception of it. Be it a person, a scenario, or anything we come in contact with in life. When we meet a person whom we are attracted to, we create our definition of who that person is and how they will act in any given situation based on our perception. When that person doesn't confirm our perception, then a rift is formed and as the person continues to deny our perception of them, we eventually "fall out of love" and break up. We call this being incompatible.

The actual advice that should be given here is not to love less, or decrease your appetite and ability to give and receive love, but to allow people to be themselves, and allow yourself to be approving or disapproving of that person's true self. We have to first realize our own true self before we can recognize it in another person as well. In both good and bad times, people will be who they are... It's up to us to accept that about them and vice versa. In accepting that, we realize when it's time to let them go, or when it's time to hold on.

SunnyGLight said...


Letting go is as much an expression of love as holding on, when it is done from the motivation of the soul.

Ok I'm done...just had to throw that in....LOL