Monday, September 8, 2008

Independent Politics?

The closer November comes the more and more annoyed I become with the entire political process. I get sick of inaccuracies being publicized as fact and people simply falling in line, like sheep on a farm, believing everything they read, hear and see without fact checking for their own benefit and knowledge. I get annoyed with the media reporting things about the candidates, making huge issues of them, that ultimately mean little to me in determining whether the candidate can and will do the job this country and the world needs them to do. As an independent, my vote doesn't really matter until November, but my opinion (choice) is quickly becoming more and more solidified with each passing day. Right now, my vote would be for Obama/Biden. Their job for the next two months; prove my choice right. The McCain/Palin job for the next two months; tell me how what you intend to do is better than what Obama/Biden intent to do.

I want specifics from the candidates. Enough of the long-winded rhetoric that simply serves to spark applause or provide a headline. Tell me what you are going to do specifically. I had a conversation with a co-worker last week and he brought up Ross Perot, who was fresh with his ideas and provided specifics for what he wanted to do; in many ways he was what people think Obama is today. I want a debate between the presidential candidates where they outline specifics for the economy, healthcare, Iraq, taxes, etc and compare and contrast the two plans. And/Or have each candidate do a one hour presentation of their plan without contrasting it with their opponents plan. Just tell me what you are gonna do. Let the nation watch, have the networks put the specifics side by side and analyse to their hearts content and let the voters decide who has the better plan.

Either way, I am going to vote to elect the person I feel will address the issues that matter to me; as everyone should. I urge anyone who reads this, research credible sources (such as or, review the facts and make a determination on your choice for president based on what the ticket will do positively for this country and the world. Don't listen to CNN, Fox and all the other talking heads; decide for yourself. Forget party affiliations and your friends, put biases and ignorance aside and make a decision for you and your fellow man. "I am my brothers keeper" doesn't just sound good in a Wesley Snipes movie. We need to shed our selfishness and start doing what's best for humanity. "Turn the other cheek" only works if one person starts to do it; then others believe they can too. Once one of us thinks that we can help our fellow man, others will too.

1 comment:

Vitamin "D" said...

Is it me or am I the last of a dying breed? "All we need is love". Sounds too simplistic, too naive, like a pacifist, an idealist, hippie...? I belive action definitely needs to be taken...and soon. I believe people need to use what they guard so jealously..their mind/power of reason. To use reasoning, good judgement, discernment vs. lazily and blindly 'following the leader' without even "why?".

It stands to reason that people's actions stem from the heart/the house of motivation which can not be regulated by laws or bills. In other words, people have to want to change themselves, and their subsequant behaviors. Many of us know what is like to lecture and plead with people who need to 'change' until we are blue in the face.

So, people have to learn to first, love themselves, and secondly, as a wise sage said, "love your neighbor as yourself". When this happens, there is no good reason to believe that selfishness, pride, greed, violence and hatred -the enemies of peace and unity - will not be eradicated without force, threats, coersion, politics, hidden agenda, etc.

Of course, love is not an instant, cure-all for the very ugly and deep wounds within humanity but why not examine the root causes...and when you do, it is because of the absence of love. We have a lot of healing and growing to do as a species but I'm optimistic! I'm Da-Nel Euwings and I have proved this message. :-)